Shareholders and stakeholders care about who sits on the Board. Board Composition matters.
The skills matrix is a recognised tool to align the experience and skills of Board Members with the needs of the business.
But when it comes to transformation:
What does the Board skills matrix need to look like?
What role does diversity play?
How best to communicate to provide comfort to shareholders and stakeholders?
Through Fidelio’s Board assignments – Performance Reviews, Searches, Benchmarking and Development and Succession – we are seeing a much more sophisticated understanding of the skills matrix.
Reflecting this we explored in a recent webinar how Boards are approaching the skills matrix and in particular:
How regulatory requirements are shaping the disclosure of Board composition
How Boards are using the skills matrix to give comfort about the depth and relevance of experience around the Boardroom table
And, increasingly, how the skills matrix is being deployed in a forward looking and dynamic way to align composition and culture with strategic direction.
For further details on the alignment of Board composition to the objectives of the business, please see Fidelio’s presentation on “The Boards Skills Matrix and Transformation.”